Wednesday, 5 November 2008


Arrrh I've been tagged again, this time by Vicky honestly I am sooo not interesting!!!! This time I have to answer the five sets of five questions, Tag 5 people by leaving their names as well as links to their blog and let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

1. My family
2. Crafting
3. My chick chick~ ok so I might have to explain this one~ I have a small stuffed chick called chick chick that I have since I was one, he has no fur left, no longer even resembles a chick and is barely being held together by a few threads, but I could never get rid of him.
4. Shoes, especially these that I have worn once and had for a while now (they don't really go with anything and despite how they look in the picture are really high) ooo I think I might go and put them on and sit here in them now!
5. My boyfriend Tristan

1. Bad drivers, one nearly killed me the other day at a roundabout because he was on his phone!
2. Housework especially the hoover, I hate the noise it makes.
3. Nicholas Cage~ Totally irrational and for no particular reason (I'm horrid aren't I).
4. Pickle, can even stand the smell of it!
5. The fact that I could write loads more about what I don't love than about what I do~ told you I was horrid really!

MUSIC ON MY IPOD (I don't have an Ipod but I like)
1. Kate Nash
2. The Script
3. Scissor Sisters
4. Ella Fitzgerald
5. Anything by any of The Rat Pack

1. Crisps
2. Wine, any colour, any type except Chardonnay
3. Chicken
4. Spag bol
5. Just food in general really!

I am tagging the same people I have given the award to, Tina, Debbie, Gina, Amanda and Lyndsey Marie sorry if you have already been tagged, just ignore it if you have. You have to Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog and pick 5 other people to tag.


  1. Hi Sarah,
    I deceided tonight to not do any crafting and to blog hop for a couple of hours. I have just sat there and gone through the whole of your blog. You have some fantastic cards in here and and provided me with much inspiration. 2 questions though if you dont mind. 1. what is pc crafter and where can i get it from. 2.How do you do that watermark of your name.
    many thanks
    Lyndsey xx

  2. Oooh lush shoes ;) Got my PF goodies today thank you so much....Card is gorgeous & has pride of place on our glass breakfast bar!
    Keep up the good work I love your creations - M xxx

  3. I'm loving your shoes!!!!
    Emma x

  4. Hi Sarah thank you so much for the award it really does mean a lot to me. gina xx

  5. Ohhh - my son is called Tristan lol

    you have a stunning blog and I love all your work xx
